
WordPress开发团队发布新版WordPress 4.3.1 正式版,修复26个安全问题

科技爱好者博客已经升级到 WordPress 4.3.1 正式版了4.3.1 版本修补了安全漏洞、修正了 26 个问题。以下是发行注记


From thannouncement post, WordPress 4.3.1 fixes two cross-site scripting vulnerabilities (CVE-2015-5714, CVE-2015-5715) and a potential privilege escalation.In addition to the security fixes, WordPress 4.3.1 contains fixes for 26 bugs from4.3, including:
  • Taxonomy: Argume...

解决Piwik发送邮件出现“An error occured while sending ‘HTML Email Report – 3.2015-09-02.2.zh-cn.html’ to lxx19950227@163.com. Error was ‘Mail from must equal authorized user’”

An error occured while sending 'HTML Email Report - 3.2015-09-02.2.zh-cn.html' to lxx19950227@163.com. Error was 'Mail from must equal authorized user'
我在网上搜索了各种资料,都没有找到可以解决这个问题的办法。既然网上没有解决方案,只好自己研究了。最后依靠自己的努力终于将问题解决了,成就感暴增。首先查看系统报错信息,是“Mail from must equal authorized user”,查看smtp的报错代码,是这样解释的:
553 Mail from must equal authorized user
看到这儿我明白了,出现问题的原因应该是没有设置发件人地址或者发件人地址错误,即没有设置from = "youyname@yourdomain.com"既然是设置发件人地址出错了,那我们将发件人地址设置正确不就行了吗,但是看到设置选项里没有发件人地址这一项。然后我又去Piwik官方网站上搜索如何配置SMTP,然后搜到的结果和我配置的选项是一样的,看来问题不在这儿。继续搜索,将搜索关键词改为“from”,果然,搜到了一篇文章,讲何如配置发送邮件时的发件人地址的,文章大体内容如下:

How do I change the default email address “From:” in PDF reports emails?

You can edit the default noreply@yourdomain.com email address that will appear in the PDF reports emails by editing the configuration file config/config.ini.php, and adding under the
section, the following line:
noreply_email_address "info@example.org"
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